
Saturday, May 30, 2015

Saint Athanasius the Great Quote (On the Holy Trinity)

Saint Athanasius the Great

We acknowledge the Trinity, holy and perfect, to consist of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. In this Trinity there is no intrusion of any alien element or of anything from outside, nor is the Trinity a blend of creative and created being. It is a wholly creative and energizing reality, self-consistent and undivided in its active power, for the Father makes all things through the Word and in the Holy Spirit, and in this way the unity of the holy Trinity is preserved. Accordingly, in the Church, one God is preached, one God who is above all things and through all things and in all things. God is above all things as Father, for he is principle and source; he is through all things through the Word; and he is in all things in the Holy Spirit.

Saint Athanasius the Great from a letter

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Saint Ursula Ledóchowska Quote

Saint Ursula Ledóchowska

It is not enough to pray, Thy kingdom come, but to work, so that the Kingdom of God will exist among us today.

Saint Ursula Ledóchowska

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Saint Vincent of Lérins Quote

I cannot sufficiently be astonished that such is the insanity of some men, such the impiety of their blinded understanding, such, finally, their lust after error, that they will not be content with the rule of faith delivered once and for all from antiquity, but must daily seek after something new, and even newer still, and are always longing to add something to religion, or to change it, or to subtract from it!

Saint Vincent of Lérins

Monday, May 25, 2015

Saint Philip Neri Quote

Saint Philip Neri

Cheerfulness strengthens the heart and makes us persevere in a good life. Therefore the servant of God ought always to be in good spirits.

Saint Philip Neri

Saint Philip Neri's patronage: Gravina, Italy; archdiocese of Manfredonia-Vieste-San Giovanni Rotondo, Italy; Rome, Italy; United States Army Special Forces; Mandaluyong, Philippines; Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest; laughter; humor; and joy

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Saint Bede the Venerable Quote

Saint Bede the Venerable

My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my savior.” With these words Mary first acknowledges the special gifts she has been given. Above all other saints, she alone could truly rejoice in Jesus, her savior, for she knew that he who was the source of eternal salvation would be born in time in her body, in one person both her own son and her Lord. “For the Almighty has done great things for me, and holy is his name.” Mary attributes nothing to her own merits. She refers all her greatness to the gift of one whose essence is power and whose nature is greatness, for he fill with greatness and strength the small and the weak who believe in him.

Saint Bede the Venerable from a homily

Saint Bede the Venerable's patronage: lectors; English writers; historians; and Jarrow, England.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Saint Irenaeus of Lyons Quote (On Pentecost)

Saint Irenaeus of Lyons

When the Lord told his disciples to go and teach all nations and baptize them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, he conferred on them the power of giving men new life in God.

He had promised through the prophets that in these last days he would pour out his Spirit on his servants and handmaids, and that they would prophesy. So when the Son of God became the Son of Man, the Spirit also descended upon him, becoming accustomed in this way to dwelling with the human race, to living in men and to inhabiting God’s creation. The Spirit accomplished the Father’s will in men who had grown old in sin, and gave them new life in Christ.

Luke says that the Spirit came down on the disciples at Pentecost, after the Lord’s ascension, with power to open the gates of life to all nations and to make known to them the new covenant. So it was that men of every language joined in singing one song of praise to God, and scattered tribes, restored to unity by the Spirit, were offered to the Father as the first-fruits of all the nations.

Saint Irenaeus of Lyons

Saint Irenaeus of Lyons’ patronage: archdiocese of Mobile, Alabama.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Blessed John Henry Cardinal Newman Quote

Blessed John Henry Cardinal Newman

Right reason, that is, reason rightly exercised, leads the mind to the Catholic faith, and plants it there, and teaches it in all its religious speculations to act under its guidance.

Blessed John Henry Cardinal Newman

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Saint Francis De Sales Quote

Saint Francis De Sales

Jesus is the teacher of holiness. I go to Him because I want Him to teach me how to become a Saint. Of what use to me is all I learn in school if I do not become holy?

Saint Francis De Sales

Saint Francis De Sales’ patronage: against deafness; authors; Baker, Oregon; Catholic press; confessors; *deaf people; educators; journalists (proclaimed on 26 April 1923 by Pope Pius XI); teachers; writers (proclaimed on 26 April 1923 by Pope Pius XI); diocese of Annecy, France; diocese of Baker, Oregon; archdiocese of Cincinnati, Ohio; diocese of Columbus, Ohio; diocese of Houma-Theibodaux, Louisiana; diocese of Keimoes-Upington, South Africa; diocese of Wilmington, Delaware; Champdepraz, Aosta, Italy; and the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest.

* Saint Francis developed a sign language in order to teach a a young deaf person the catechism. Because of this, he is the patron saint of the deaf.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Saint Eugene de Mazenod Quote

Saint Eugene de Mazenod

We glorify God in the masterpiece of his power and love…it is the Son whom we honour in the person of his Mother.

Saint Eugene de Mazenod

Saint Eugene de Mazenod's patronage: dysfunctional families

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Saint Bernardine of Siena Quote

Saint Bernardine of Siena

Every grace granted to man has three degrees in order; for by God it is communicated to Christ, from Christ it passes to the Virgin, and from the Virgin it descends to us.

Saint Bernardine of Siena

Saint Bernardine of Siena's patronage: advertisers; advertising; against hoarseness; communications; compulsive or uncontrolled gambling; gambling addicts; lungs; public relations; chest, respiratory, or lung problems; Aquila, Italy; Carpi, Italy; Castelspina, Alessandria, Italy; Trevignano Romano, Italy; diocese of San Bernardino, California; and Italy.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Blessed Alcuin of York Quote

Blessed Alcuin of York

Remember to care for the soul more than the body, since the former remains, the latter perishes.

Blessed Alcuin of York

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Saint Alphais of Cudot Quote

Saint Alphais of Cudot

[The soul is] simple, invisible, incorporeal, not divided into parts like the body, present as a whole in whatever she does. The soul is not in a particular place. As God is everywhere, so the soul is everywhere in the body, more powerfully in heart and brain, as one says that God is in a special way in heaven.

Saint Alphais of Cudot

Saint Alphais of Cudot's patronage: bodily ills; disabled people;, handicapped people; illness; physically challenged people; sick people; and sickness.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Saint Augustine of Hippo Quote (On The Ascension of Christ)

Saint Augustine of Hippo

Today our Lord Jesus Christ ascended into heaven; let our hearts ascend with him. Listen to the words of the Apostle: If you have risen with Christ, set your hearts on the things that are above where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God; seek the things that are above, not the things that are on earth. For just as he remained with us even after his ascension, so we too are already in heaven with him, even though what is promised us has not yet been fulfilled in our bodies.

Christ is now exalted above the heavens, but he still suffers on earth all the pain that we, the members of his body, have to bear. He showed this when he cried out from above: Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me? and when he said: I was hungry and you gave me food.

Why do we on earth not strive to find rest with him in heaven even now, through the faith, hope and love that unites us to him? While in heaven he is also with us; and we while on earth are with him. He is here with us by his divinity, his power and his love. We cannot be in heaven, as he is on earth, by divinity, but in him, we can be there by love.

Saint Augustine of Hippo from a sermon

Saint Augustine of Hippo's patronage: against sore eyes; against vermin; brewers; printers; theologians; diocese of Bridgeport, Connecticut; diocese of Ida, Philippines; diocese of Kalamazoo, Michigan; diocese of Laredo, Texas; diocese of Saint Augustine, Florida; diocese of Superior, Wisconsin; diocese of Tucson, Arizona; Cagayan de Oro, Philippines; Carpineto Romano, Italy; Isleta Indian Pueblo; Ponte Nizza, Italy; Saint Augustine, Florida; San Austin, Ibiza, Spain; and Valletta, Malta

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Saint Rose of Lima Quote

Saint Rose of Lima

Apart from the cross there is no other ladder by which we may get to heaven.

Saint Rose of Lima

Saint Rose of Lima's patronage: against vanity; Americas; Central America; embroiderers; florists; for the resolution of family quarrels; gardeners; India; indigenous peoples of the Americas; Latin America; Lima, Peru; needle workers; New World; people ridiculed for their piety; Peru; Peruvian Police Force; Philippines; diocese of Santa Rosa, California; South America; vanity; Villareal Samar, Philippines; West Indies; and World Youth Day 2011

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Saint John of Avila Quote

Saint John of Avila

Dear brothers and sisters, I pray God may open your eyes and let you see what hidden treasures he bestows on us in the trials from which the world thinks only to flee. Shame turns into honor when we seek God’s glory. Present affliction become the source of heavenly glory. To those who suffer wounds in fighting his battles God opens his arms in loving, tender friendship. That is why he (Christ) tells us that if we want to join him, we shall travel the way he took. It is surely not right that the Son of God should go his way on the path of shame while the sons of men walk the way of worldly honor: “The disciple is not above his teacher, nor the servant greater than his master.”

Saint John of Avila from a letter

Saint John of Avila's patronage: Andalusia, Spain; Spain; Spanish secular clergy; World Youth Day 2011

Friday, May 8, 2015

Saint Hilary of Poitiers Quote

When I look at your heavens, according to my own lights, with these weak eyes of mine, I am certain with reservation that they are your heavens. The stars circle in the heavens, reappear year after year, each with a function and service to fulfill. And though I do not understand them, I know that you, O God, are in them.

Saint Hilary of Poitiers

Saint Hilary of Poitiers' patronage: against rheumatism; against snakes; against snake bites; backward children; children learning to walk; mothers; sick people; La Rochelle, France; Poitiers Luçon, France; Argusto, Italy; and Vervio, Italy.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Pope Saint Gregory the Great Quote

Pope Saint Gregory the Great

He who would climb to a lofty height must go by steps, not leaps.

-- Pope Saint Gregory the Great

Pope Saint Gregory the Great's patronage: against gout; against plague; choir boys; educators; England; Kercem, Malta; diocese of Legazpi, Philippines; masons; Montone, Italy; musicians; Order of Knights of Saint Gregory; papacy; Popes; San Gregorio nelle Alpi, Italy; schoolchildren; singers; stone masons; stonecutters; students; teachers; The pontificate; and West Indies.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Saint John of God Quote

Whenever I see so many poor brothers and neighbours of mine suffering beyond their strength and overwhelmed with so many physical or mental ills which I cannot alleviate, then I become exceedingly sorrowful; but I trust in Christ, who knows my heart. And so I say, “Woe to the man who trusts in men rather than in Christ.”

-- Saint John of God from a letter

Saint John of God's patronage: against alcoholism; against bodily ills; against sickness; alcoholics; bookbinders; booksellers; dying people; firefighters; heart patients; hospitals; hospital workers; nurses; publishers; printers; sick people; the mentally ill; and Tultepec, Mexico.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Blessed Brother Solomon Le Clerq Quote

As for us, we hold to what we believed ten and twenty years ago; to what our forefathers believed one hundred years ago, and one thousand years ago, and to that which the whole Catholic world has always believed. –

-- Blessed Brother Solomon Le Clerq

Monday, May 4, 2015

Saint Francis de Sales Quote

Saint Francis de Sales

If you intend to serve God, prepare your soul for temptation, for it is an infallible truth that no one is exempt from temptation when he has truly resolved to serve God.

-- Saint Francis de Sales

Saint Francis de Sales' patronage: against deafness; authors; Baker, Oregon; Catholic press; confessors; deaf people; educators; journalists (proclaimed on 26 April 1923 by Pope Pius XI); teachers; writers (proclaimed on 26 April 1923 by Pope Pius XI); diocese of Annecy, France; diocese of Baker, Oregon; archdiocese of Cincinnati, Ohio; diocese of Columbus, Ohio; diocese of Houma-Theibodaux, Louisiana; diocese of Keimoes-Upington, South Africa; diocese of Wilmington, Delaware; Champdepraz, Aosta, Italy; and the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Saint Anthony Mary Claret Quote

Saint Anthony Mary Claret

When I am before the Blessed Sacrament I feel such a lively faith that I can't describe it. Christ in the Eucharist is almost tangible to me...When it is time for me to leave, I have to tear myself away from His sacred presence.

-- Saint Anthony Mary Claret

Saint Anthony Mary Claret's patronage: Catholic press; Claretians; Missionary Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary; weavers; Textile merchants; savings; Dioceses of the Canary Islands; Claretian students; Claretian educators; Claretian educational institutions; and technical and vocational educators.

Saint James the Lesser Quote

Be doers of the Word and not just hearers, lest you deceive yourselves. The hearer who does not become a doer is like that one who looked at himself in the mirror. He looked and then promptly forgot what he was like. But those who fix their gaze on the perfect law of freedom and hold onto it, not listening and then forgetting, but acting on it, will find blessing on their deeds.

-- Saint James the Lesser from The Epistle of James 1: 22-25

Saint James the Lesser's patronage: dying people; apothecaries; druggists; fullers; hatmakers; hatters; milliners; pharmacists; Uruguay; Andora, Italy; Cornaredo, Italy; Diso, Italy; Frascati, Italy; Monterotondo, Italy; Nemi, Italy; San Giacomo Filippo, Italy; Selvino, Italy; and Venegono Inferiore, Italy.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Saint Athanasius the Great Quote

Saint Athanasius the Great

Brethren, how fine a thing it is to move from festival to festival, from prayer to prayer, from holy day to holy day. The time is now at hand when we enter on a new beginning: the proclamation of the blessed Passover, in which the Lord was sacrificed. We feed as on the food of life, we constantly refresh our souls with his precious blood, as from a fountain. Yet we are always thirsting, burning to be satisfied. But he himself is present for those who thirst and in his goodness invites them to the feast day. Our Savior repeats his words: If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink.

-- Saint Athanasius the Great

Saint Athanasius the Great's patronage: justice and truth; handicapped; and orthodoxy.