
Sunday, June 28, 2015

Saint Irenaeus of Lyons Quote (On Error)

Saint Irenaeus of Lyons

Error, indeed is never set forth in its naked deformity, lest, being thus exposed, it should at once be detected. But it is craftily decked out in an attractive dress, so as, by its outward form, to make it appear to the inexperienced more true than truth itself.

Saint Irenaeus of Lyons

Saint Irenaeus of Lyons' patronage: archdiocese of Mobile, Alabama.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Saint Augustine of Hippo Quote

Those offenses which be contrary to nature are everywhere and at all times to be held in detestation and punished; such were those of the Sodomites, which should all nations commit, they should all be held guilty of the same crime by the divine law, which hath not so made men that they should in that way abuse one another. For even that fellowship which should be between God and us is violated, when that same nature of which He is author is polluted by the perversity of lust.

Saint Augustine of Hippo from “The Confessions of Augustine” Book III, Chap. 8, no. 15

Saint Augustine of Hippo’s patronage: against sore eyes; against vermin; brewers; printers; theologians; diocese of Bridgeport, Connecticut; diocese of Ida, Philippines; diocese of Kalamazoo, Michigan; diocese of Laredo, Texas; diocese of Saint Augustine, Florida; diocese of Superior, Wisconsin; diocese of Tucson, Arizona; Cagayan de Oro, Philippines; Carpineto Romano, Italy; Isleta Indian Pueblo; Ponte Nizza, Italy; Saint Augustine, Florida; San Austin, Ibiza, Spain; and Valletta, Malta

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Saint Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer Quote

Holiness is not something for some privileged few. God calls everyone; from everyone He waits for Love: from everyone, wherever they may be; from everyone, whatever may be their state in life, profession, or occupation.

Saint Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer

Saint Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer's patronage: Opus Dei

Friday, June 19, 2015

Saint Athanasius the Great Quote

Mary, Mother of Grace, it becomes you to be mindful of us, as you stand near him who granted you all graces, for you are the Mother of God and our Queen. Help us for the sake of the King, the Lord God and Master who was born of you. For this reason, you are called full of grace. Remember us, most holy Virgin, and bestow on us gifts from the riches of your graces, Virgin full of graces.

Saint Athanasius the Great

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Saint Bonaventure Quote (Sacred Heart of Jesus)

Saint Bonaventure

It was a divine decree that permitted one of the soldiers to open his sacred side with a lance. This was done so that the Church might be formed from the side of Christ as he slept the sleep of death on the cross, and so that the Scripture might be fulfilled: ‘They shall look on him whom they pierced’. The blood and water which poured out at that moment were the price of our salvation. Flowing from the secret abyss of our Lord’s heart as from a fountain, this stream gave the sacraments of the Church the power to confer the life of grace, while for those already living in Christ it became a spring of living water welling up to life everlasting.

Saint Bonaventure

Saint Bonaventure's patronage: against intestinal problems; Bagnoregio, Italy; Cochiti Indian Pueblo; and Saint Bonaventure University, New York.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Saint Ephrem of Syria Quote

Saint Ephrem of Syria Icon

Remember me, you heirs of God, you brethren of Christ; supplicate the Savior earnestly for me, that I may be freed through Christ from him that fights against me day by day.

Saint Ephrem of Syria

Saint Ephrem of Syria’s patronage: spiritual directors; spiritual leaders.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Saint Gregory Nazianzen Quote

Saint Gregory Nazianzen

Stay with us Lord, because our souls are full of darkness and you are the one true light; you alone can satisfy the longings that consume us. For we know that above everything that is beautiful and good, the greatest is this; to possess you forever , O Lord.

Saint Gregory Nazianzen

Saint Gregory Nazianzen's patronage: for harvests; poets

Friday, June 5, 2015

Saint Thomas Aquinas Quote

Saint Thomas Aquinas

To know whom to avoid is a great means of saving our souls.

Saint Thomas Aquinas

Saint Thomas Aquinas’ patronage: Academics; against storms; against lightning; apologists; Aquino, Italy; diocese of Aquino-Pontecorvo, Italy; Belcastro, Italy; book sellers; Catholic academies; Catholic schools; Catholic universities; chastity; colleges; Falena, Italy; learning; lightning; pencil makers; philosophers; publishers; scholars; schools; storms; students; University of Santo Tomas; Santo Tomas, Batangas; diocese of Sora-Aquino-Pontecorvo, Italy; theologians; universities; University of Vigo.