For God so loved the world, as to give His only begotten Son; that whosoever believeth in Him, may not perish, but may have life everlasting. – Saint John the Apostle

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Monday, August 25, 2014

Blessed Mary of Jesus Crucified Quote

Holy Spirit, inspire me. Love of God consume me. Along the true road, lead me. Mary, my good mother, look down upon me. With Jesus, bless me. From all evil, all illusion, all danger, preserve me.

-- Blessed Mary of Jesus Crucified

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Saint Joseph Calasanz Quote

As Scripture says, “Those who instruct many in justice will shine as stars for all eternity.” They will attain this more easily if they make a covenant of perpetual obedience and strive to cling to Christ and please him alone, because, in his words, “What you did to one of the least of my brethren, you did to me.”

-- Saint Joseph Calasanz

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Saint Nathanael bar Tolomai (Bartholomew) Quote

Rabbi, thou art the Son of God, thou art the King of Israel.

-- Saint Nathanael bar Tolomai (Bartholomew) from The Gospel According To John 1:49

Friday, August 22, 2014

Saint Rose of Lima Quote

When we serve the poor and the sick we serve Jesus. We must not fail to help our neighbors, because in them we serve Jesus.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Saint Amadeus of Lausanne Quote

She is a bride, so gentle and affectionate, and the mother of the only true bridegroom. In her abundant goodness she has channelled the spring of reason’s garden, the well of living and life-giving waters that pour forth in a rushing stream from divine Lebanon and flow down from Mount Zion until they surround the shores of every far-flung nation. With divine assistance she has redirected these waters and made them into streams of peace and pools of grace. Therefore, when the Virgin of virgins was led forth by God and her Son, the King of kings. amid the company of exulting angels and rejoicing archangels, with the heavens ringing with praise, the prophecy of the psalmist was fulfilled, in which he said to the Lord: At your right hand stands the queen, clothed in gold of Ophir (Psalm 45).

-- Saint Amadeus of Lausanne

Pope Saint Pius X Quote

I accept with sincere belief the doctrine of faith as handed down to us from the Apostles by the orthodox Fathers, always in the same sense and with the same interpretation.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Saint Bernard of Clairvaux Quote

Look at that clever calumniator! He begins by fetching a deep sigh, he affects to be humble, and puts on a modest look, and with a voice choking with sobs tries to gloss over the slander which is on the tip of his tongue One would fancy that he expressly assumed a calm and easy demeanor; for when he speaks against his brother, it is in a tender and compassionate tone. I am really hurt, says he, to find that our brother has fallen into such a sin; you all know how much I love him, and how often I have tried to correct him. It is not today that I have noticed his failing; for I should always be on my guard to speak of others, but others have spoken of it too. It would be in vain to disguise the fact; it is only too true, and with tears in my eyes I tell it to you. This poor unfortunate brother has talent, but it must be confessed that he is very guilty, and however great may be our friendship for him, it is impossible to excuse him.

-- Saint Bernard of Clairvaux from a sermon on The Canticles