For God so loved the world, as to give His only begotten Son; that whosoever believeth in Him, may not perish, but may have life everlasting. – Saint John the Apostle

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Saturday, September 14, 2013

Saint Quote: Saint Catherine of Genoa

Saint Catherine of Genoa

If it were given to a man to see virtue's reward in the next world, he would occupy his intellect, memory and will in nothing but good works, careless of danger or fatigue. 

-- Saint Catherine of Genoa

Friday, September 13, 2013

Saint Quote: Saint Ignatius of Loyola

If God causes you to suffer much, it is a sign that He has great designs for you, and that He certainly intends to make you a saint. And if you wish to become a great saint, entreat Him yourself to give you much opportunity for suffering; for there is no wood better to kindle the fire of holy love than the wood of the cross, which Christ used for His own great sacrifice of boundless charity. 

-- Saint Ignatius of Loyola

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Saint Quote: Saint John Chrysostom

You have tasted the Blood of the Lord, yet you do not recognize your brother,. . . . You dishonor this table when you do not judge worthy of sharing your food someone judged worthy to take part in this meal. . . . God freed you from all your sins and invited you here, but you have not become more merciful. 

-- Saint John Chrysostom

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Saint Quote: Saint Justin Martyr

As by the Word of God, Jesus our Savior was made Flesh and had both Flesh and Blood for our salvation, so also the food which has been blessed by the word of prayer instituted by Him is both the Flesh and Blood of Jesus Incarnate. 

--Saint Justin Martyr

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Saint Quote: Saint John Gabriel Perboyre

O my Divine Saviour,
Transform me into Yourself.
May my hands be the hands of Jesus.
Grant that every faculty of my body
May serve only to glorify You.
Above all,
Transform my soul and all its powers
So that my memory, will and affection
May be the memory, will and affections
Of Jesus.
I pray You
To destroy in me
All that is not of You.

-- Saint John Gabriel Perboyre from a prayer by him

Monday, September 9, 2013

Saint Quote: Saint Nicholas of Tolentino

The heavens are not pure in the sight of Him Whom I serve; how then shall I, a sinful man, stand before Him? 

-- Saint Nicholas of Tolentino

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Saint Quote: Saint Peter Claver

Man's salvation and perfection consists of doing the will of God which he must have in view in all things, and at every moment of his life.

-- Saint Peter Claver