For God so loved the world, as to give His only begotten Son; that whosoever believeth in Him, may not perish, but may have life everlasting. – Saint John the Apostle

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Tuesday, June 6, 2006

Saint Quote: Saint Marcelino Champagnat

If it were only a question of teaching human knowledge to the children, there would be no need for Brothers, since lay teachers can do this work. If we are to give only religious instruction, we would be content to be simply catechists, and to bring the children together for only one hour a day. But we want to do more than this - we want to educate the children, that is, to give them an integrated education... To do this, we must be educators, we must live with the children, and they must spend a lot of time with us.

--Saint Marcelino Champagnat

Sunday, June 4, 2006

Saint Quote: Saint Boniface

To all his most reverend colleagues in the episcopate, to the venerable priests, deacons, canons, clerics, abbots and abbesses of communities, to the lowly monks who obey for Christ's sake, to the consecrated and devout virgins and all professed nuns of Christ, indeed to all those Catholics of the English race who fear God, Boniface, a native of the same race, legate of the Universal Church in Germany and servant of the Apostolic See, formerly called Wynfrith, but now, through no deserts of his own, archbishop: greetings in the humble communion and sincere love of Christ.

With humble prayer, we beseech you, brethren, of your charity to remember our lowly selves in your prayers, that we may escape the cunning snares of the devil and the buffetings of evil men, that the word of the Lord may prosper and be glorified. We beg you to be instant in prayer that God and our Lord Jesus Christ, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth, may convert the hearts of the pagan Saxons to the faith, may make them repent of the devilish errors in which they are entangled and unite them to the children of Mother Church. Have pity on them, because their repeated cry is: " We are of one and the same blood and bone." Remember that we go the way of all flesh and in hell no man praises the Lord nor can death honour Him.

Be it known that in this undertaking I have the agreement and support and blessing of two Pontiffs of the Roman See. Act, then, on this prayer of mine, that your reward among the angels of heaven may be manifest and enlarged.

May the Almighty Creator keep your unity and common bond of love in force for evermore.

--Saint Boniface writing to the English Asking for Prayers for the Conversion of the Saxons (738)

Saint Quote: Saint Francis de Sales

Anxiety proceeds from an ill-regulated desire to be delivered from the evil we experience, or to acquire the good to which we aspire; nevertheless, nothing aggravates evil and hinders good so much as anxiety and worry.

-- St Francis de Sales

Saturday, June 3, 2006

Saint Quote: Saint Basil the Great

The reason why sometimes you have asked and not received, is because you have asked amiss, either inconsistently, or lightly, or because you have asked for what was not good for you, or because you have ceased asking.

--Saint Basil the Great

Friday, June 2, 2006

Saint Quote: Saint Vincent of Lerins

If one yields ground on any single point of Catholic doctrine, one will later have to yield later in another, and again in another, and so on until such surrenders come to be something normal and acceptable. And when one gets used to rejecting dogma bit by bit, the final result will be the repudiation of it altogether.

-- St Vincent of Lerins

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Saint Quote: Saint Hannibal Mary Di Francia

The entire Church must formally pray for [vocations] because the purpose of the prayer to gain vocations must concern all the faithful, every Christian who has at heart the good of souls and, in a particular way, the Bishops who are the shepherds of the spiritual flock and to whom souls are entrusted. They are the living Apostles of Jesus Christ today.

--Saint Hannibal

Saint Quote: Saint John Baptist de La Salle

An evil thought defiles the soul when it is deliberate and consented to. Our Lord placed evil thoughts at the head of all crimes, because they are their principle and source.

-- St. John Baptist de la Salle