For God so loved the world, as to give His only begotten Son; that whosoever believeth in Him, may not perish, but may have life everlasting. – Saint John the Apostle

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Saturday, July 22, 2006

Saint Quote: Saint Cyril of Jerusalem

Keep this faith ever by your side to help you on your way and close your ears and have nothing to do with any other, even if I myself should change my allegiance and preach another faith to you or an angel of darkness be transformed into an angel of light to lead you into error… To begin with, simply take the words of the Creed as they stand at their face value, put your faith in them and commit them to memory.

Later, as opportunity offers, you can take the propositions one by one and study them as truths of the Sacred Scriptures. Pay attention then, brethren, to the truths of the Faith now being handed down to you and write them deep in your hearts. Keep a careful watch and be on your guard against foes and heretics intent on perverting your faith and plundering it. You must, as it were, deposit this gift of faith in the bank of safe-keeping and God will demand of you an account of your investment.

In the presence of God, who gives life to all things, and of Christ Jesus who is his testimony before Pontius Pilate bore witness to that great claim, I charge you to keep the faith unstained until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ.

--Saint Cyril of Jerusalem

Friday, July 21, 2006

Saint Quote: Saint Catherine of Siena

On behalf of Christ crucified I tell you: refuse to believe the counsels of the devil, who would hinder your holy and good resolution. Be manly in my sight, and not timorous. Answer God, who calls you to hold and possess the seat of the glorious Shepherd St. Peter, whose vicar you have been. And raise the standard of the holy Cross.

--Saint Catherine of Siena to Pope Gregory XI

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Saint Quote: Blessed Father Damien de Veuster

I am gently going to my grave. It is the will of God, and I thank Him very much for letting me die of the same disease and in the same way as my lepers. I am very satisfied and very happy.

--Blessed Father Damien de Veuster

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Saint Quote: Blessed William Hart

Alas! Sweet mother, why do you weep? Why do you lament? Why do you take so heavily my honourable death? Know you not that we are born once to die, and that always in this life we may not live? Know you not how vain, how wicked, how inconstant, how miserable this life of ours is? Do you not consider my calling, my estate, my profession? Do you not remember that I am going to a place of all pleasure and felicity? Why then do you weep? Why do you mourn? Why do you cry out?

But perhaps you will say, I weep not so much for your death as I do for that you are hanged, drawn, and quartered. My sweet mother, it is the favourablest, honourablest, and happiest death that ever could have chanced unto me.

I die not for knavery, but for verity; I die not for treason, but for religion; I die not for any ill demeanour or offence committed, but only for my Faith, for my conscience, for my priesthood, for my blessed Saviour Jesus Christ; and, to tell you truth, if I had ten thousand lives, I am bound to lose them all rather than to break my faith, to lose my soul, to offend my God.

--Blessed William Hart in his final letter to his mother

Monday, July 17, 2006

Saint Quote: Blessed Pavol Gojdic

I am already 62 and sacrifice all my goods and residence, but I will not deny my faith in any way because I want to save my soul. Do not even come to me.

--Blessed Pavol Gojdic to the Communists of Czecho-Slovakia

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Saint Quote: Saint Antony Abbot

[The devil] dreads fasting, prayer, humility, and good works: He is not able even to stop my mouth who speak against him. The illusions of the devil soon vanish, especially if a man arms himself with the Sign of the Cross. The devils tremble at the Sign of the Cross of our Lord, by which He triumphed over and disarmed them.

--Saint Antony Abbot

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Saint Quote: Saint Bonaventure

Since happiness is nothing but the enjoyment of the Supreme Good, and since the Supreme Good is above us, we cannot be happy unless we rise beyond ourselves. Since we cannot reach above ourselves in our own strength, we must be helped by supernatural strength, lifted up by a higher power that stoops to raise us. However much we structure our inner lives and make progress, it does us no good unless our efforts are accompanied by help from on high. Divine aid is available for those who seek it with a devout and humble heart; this is done by fervent prayer.

Prayer is, therefore, the source and origin of every upward journey toward God. Let us each, then, turn to prayer and say to our Lord God: 'Lead me, O Lord, on your path, that I may walk in your truth.'

--Saint Bonaventure