For God so loved the world, as to give His only begotten Son; that whosoever believeth in Him, may not perish, but may have life everlasting. – Saint John the Apostle

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Monday, June 20, 2011

Saint Therese of Lisieux

 Jesus, help me to simplify my life by learning what you want me to be - and becoming that person.

-- Saint Therese of Lisieux

Saint Vincent de Paul

Human nature grows tired of always doing the same thing, and it is God's will that this should be because of the opportunity of practicing two great virtues. The first is perseverance, which will bring us to our goal. The other is steadfastness, which overcomes the difficulties on the way.

-- Saint Vincent de Paul

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Saint Gregory Thaumaturgus

There is one God, the Father of the living Word, who is His subsistent Wisdom and Power and Eternal Image: perfect Begetter of the perfect Begotten, Father of the only-begotten Son. 

There is one Lord, Only of the Only, God of God, Image and Likeness of Deity, Efficient Word, Wisdom comprehensive of the constitution of all things, and Power formative of the whole creation, true Son of true Father, Invisible of Invisible, and Incorruptible of Incorruptible, and Immortal of Immortal and Eternal of Eternal. 

And there is One Holy Spirit, having His subsistence from God, and being made manifest by the Son, to wit to men: Image of the Son, Perfect Image of the Perfect; Life, the Cause of the living; Holy Fount; Sanctity, the Supplier, or Leader, of Sanctification; in whom is manifested God the Father, who is above all and in all, and God the Son, who is through all. 

There is a perfect Trinity, in glory and eternity and sovereignty, neither divided nor estranged. Wherefore there is nothing either created or in servitude in the Trinity; nor anything superinduced, as if at some former period it was non-existent, and at some later period it was introduced. And thus neither was the Son ever wanting to the Father, nor the Spirit to the Son; but without variation and without change, the same Trinity abideth ever. 

-- Saint Gregory Thaumaturgus from a declaration of Faith

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Saint Thomas Aquinas

For prayer to be effective, our petitions should be for benefits worthily to be expected from God.

-- Saint Thomas Aquinas

Monday, June 13, 2011

Saint Francis de Sales

It is a great honor to you who are married that God, in His design to multiply souls who may bless and praise Him for all eternity, causes you to cooperate with Him in so noble a work.

-- Saint Francis de Sales

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Saint Mark the Ascetic

The law of freedom teaches the whole truth. Many read about it in a theoretical way, but few really understand it, and these only in the degree to which they practise the commandments. 

-- Saint Mark the Ascetic

Who Is Your Favorite Saint or Saints?

All the saints of the Church are very important. The men and women who lived their lives in fidelity to the Truth which is Jesus Christ and His Church are an inspiration to us all.

Even so, we all have a saint or saints that inspire us the most, and that we greatly admire. Sometimes it is our Patron Saint, and sometimes it is several saints.

So, I am going to ask you all to send an email to me, and tell me who your favorite saint or saints are. To make it easier for me to compile the results, I ask that you send them by Friday, 18 June, 2011. Please limit your selections to three saints, and please put "Favorite Saints" in the subject of the email.

I hope to be able to post the results within a week of the end date, depending on the number of responses I receive.

Thank you in advance for taking the time out of your busy day to respond!