For God so loved the world, as to give His only begotten Son; that whosoever believeth in Him, may not perish, but may have life everlasting. – Saint John the Apostle

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Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Saint Fulgentius of Ruspe On Saint Stephen the Martyr

Yesterday we celebrated the birth in time of our eternal King. Today we celebrate the triumphant suffering of his soldier. Yesterday our king, clothed in his robe of flesh, left his place in the virgin’s womb and graciously visited the world. Today his soldier leaves the tabernacle of his body and goes triumphantly to heaven.

Our king, despite his exalted majesty, came in humility for our sake; yet he did not come empty-handed. He gave of his bounty, yet without any loss to himself. In a marvelous way he changed into wealth the poverty of his faithful followers while remaining in full possession of his own inexhaustible riches. And so the love that brought Christ from heaven to earth raised Stephen from earth to heaven; shown first in the king, it later shone forth in his soldier. His love of God kept him from yielding to the ferocious mob; his love for his neighbor made him pray for those who were stoning him. Love inspired him to reprove those who erred, to make them amend; love led him to pray for those who stoned him, to save them from punishment.

Love, indeed, is the source of all good things; it is an impregnable defense, and the way that leads to heaven. He who walks in love can neither go astray nor be afraid: love guides him, protects him, and brings him to his journey’s end.

My brothers, Christ made love the stairway that would enable all Christians to climb to heaven. Hold fast to it, therefore, in all sincerity, give one another practical proof of it, and by your progress in it, make your ascent together.

-- Saint Fulgentius of Ruspe from a sermon

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Saint Romanos the Melodist

The Virgin today brings into the world the Eternal 
And the earth offers a cave to the Inaccessible.
The angels and shepherds praise him 
And the magi advance with the star, 
For you are born for us, Little Child, God eternal! 

-- Kontakion of Saint Romanos the Melodist

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Saint Peter Chrysologus

Now that we are reborn, as I have said, in the likeness of our Lord, and have indeed been adopted by God as his children, let us put on the complete image of our Creator so as to be wholly like him, not in the glory that he alone possesses, but in innocence, simplicity, gentleness, patience, humility, mercy, harmony, those qualities in which he chose to become, and to be, one with us.

-- Saint Peter Chrysologus

Friday, December 21, 2012

Saint Louis Marie de Montfort

Never will anyone who says his Rosary every day become a formal heretic or be led astray by the devil.

-- Saint Louis Marie de Montfort

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Saint Poemen

To instruct your neighbor is the same thing as reproving him. 

-- Saint Poemen

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Pope Blessed John Paul II

While every word of Elizabeth’s greeting is filled with meaning, her final words would seem to have fundamental importance: “And blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfillment of what was spoken to her from the Lord” (Lk 1:45). These words can be linked with the title “full of grace” of the angel’s greeting. Both of these texts reveal an essential Mariological content, namely the truth about Mary who has become present in the mystery of Christ precisely because she “has believed.” The fullness of grace announced by the angel means the gift of God himself. Mary’s faith, proclaimed by Elizabeth at the Visitation, indicates how the Virgin of Nazareth responded to this gift.

-- Pope Blessed John Paul II

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Saint Jerome

That which nature possesses not, which custom uses not, which eclipses reason, which the mind of man is unable to compass, which makes the heavens tremble, and strikes dumb the earth, which amazes every inhabitant of Heaven, all this was divinely announced by Gabriel to Mary, and was fulfilled in Christ.

-- Saint Jerome