For God so loved the world, as to give His only begotten Son; that whosoever believeth in Him, may not perish, but may have life everlasting. – Saint John the Apostle

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Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Saint Anthony of Padua Quote

Baby Jesus with Saint Anthony of Padua - PD-1923

How many Christians weep over temporal misfortunes, and yet are insensible to the loss of their immortal souls! They avoid going near a corpse, and yet delight daily in the company of sinners.

-- Saint Anthony of Padua

Saint Anthony of Padua's patronage: Against shipwrecks; against starvation; against starving; American Indians; amputees; animals; asses; barrenness; boatmen; Brazil; diocese of Beaumont, Texas; domestic animals; elderly people; expectant mothers; faith in the Blessed Sacrament; Ferrazzano, Italy; fishermen; harvests; horses; Lisbon, Portugal; lost articles; lower animals; mail; mariners; oppressed people; Padua, Italy; paupers; poor people; Portugal; pregnant women; sailors; seekers of lost articles; shipwrecks; starvation; starving people; sterility; swineherds; Tigua Indians; travel hostesses; travellers; watermen.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Pope Saint John XXIII Quote

Pope Saint John XXIII

Man has the right to live. He has the right to bodily integrity and to the means necessary for the proper development of life, particularly food, clothing, shelter, medical care, rest, and, finally, the necessary social services. In consequence, he has the right to be looked after in the event of ill health; disability stemming from his work; widowhood; old age; enforced unemployment; or whenever through no fault of his own he is deprived of the means of livelihood.

Pope Saint John XXIII from his encyclical "Pacem In Terris"

Pope Saint John XXIII's patronage: Papal delegates; Patriarchy of Venice; Second Vatican Council; Christian unity; Diocese of Bergamo; Sotto il Monte; Valsamoggia; Italian Army

Monday, October 9, 2017

Saint Daniel Comboni Quote

Saint Daniel Comboni - PD-1923
Saint Daniel Comboni

We will have to labor hard, to sweat, to die: but the thought that one sweats and dies for love of Jesus Christ and the salvation of the most abandoned souls in the world, is far too sweet for us to desist from this great enterprise.

Saint Daniel Comboni

Saint Daniel Comboni's patronage: Missionaries; Aid workers; Comboni Missionary Sisters; Comboni Missionaries of the Heart of Jesus

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Blessed John Cardinal Henry Newman Quote

Blessed John Cardinal Henry Newman by Sir John Everett Millais- PD-1923

We have been born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. The Lord Jesus Christ gave His Spirit to His Apostles; they in turn laid their hands on those who should succeed them; and these again on others; and so the sacred gift has been handed down to our present Bishops, who have appointed us as their assistants, and in some sense representatives.

Blessed John Cardinal Henry Newman from his writings

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Saint Simeon Senex Quote

Saint Simeon Senex - PD-1923

Behold this child is set for the fall, and for the resurrection of many in Israel, and for a sign which shall be contradicted; And thy own soul a sword shall pierce, that, out of many hearts, thoughts may be revealed.

Saint Simeon Senex from Luke: 2: 34-35

Saint Simeon Senex: The man who, in Luke 2, picked up the Infant Jesus and gave the blessing known as the Nunc dimittis.

Friday, October 6, 2017

Saint Louis de Montfort Quote


I have just said that to say the Rosary to advantage one must be in a state of grace “or at least be fully determined to give up mortal sin;” first of all, because, if it were true that God only heard the prayers of those in a state of grace it would follow that people in a state of mortal sin should not pray at all. This is an erroneous teaching which has been condemned by Holy Mother Church, because of course sinners need to pray far more than good people do. Were this horrible doctrine true it would then be useless and futile to tell a sinner to say all, or even part of his Rosary, because it would never help him.”

-- Saint Louis de Montfort

Saint Louis de Montfort's patronage: preachers; Brothers of Saint Gabriel; Company of Mary; Daughters of Divine Wisdom

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Saint Bruno of Cologne Quote


For the devil may tempt the good, but he cannot find rest in them; for he is shaken violently, and upset, and driven out, now by their prayers, now by their tears of repentance, and now by their almsgiving and similar good works.

- Saint Bruno of Cologne

Saint Bruno of Cologne's patronage: diabolic possession; Ruthenia; Germany; Calabria; monastic fraternities; Carthusians; trade marks; possessed people.