For God so loved the world, as to give His only begotten Son; that whosoever believeth in Him, may not perish, but may have life everlasting. – Saint John the Apostle

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Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Saint Quote of the Day: Saint James the Just the Apostle

Icon of Saint James the Just, Apostle

Is any of you sad? Let him pray. Is he cheerful in mind? Let him sing. Is any man sick among you? Let him bring in the priests of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith shall save the sick man: and the Lord shall raise him up: and if he be in sins, they shall be forgiven him. Confess therefore your sins one to another: and pray one for another, that you may be saved. For the continual prayer of a just man availeth much.

Saint James the Just from the Epistle of James 5:13-16

Saint James the Just's patronage: Apothecaries; druggists; dying people; fullers; hatmakers; hatters; milliners; pharmacists; Uruguay.

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Saint Quote of the Day: Saint Athanasius of Alexandria

Saint Athanasius of Alexandria, Icon

Mary, Mother of Grace, it becomes you to be mindful of us, as you stand near him who granted you all graces, for you are the Mother of God and our Queen. Help us for the sake of the King, the Lord God and Master who was born of you. For this reason, you are called full of grace. Remember us, most holy Virgin, and bestow on us gifts from the riches of your graces, Virgin full of graces.

Saint Athanasius of Alexandria

Monday, April 30, 2018

Saint Quote : Pope Saint John Paul II on Saint Joseph the Worker

Saint Joseph

Saint Joseph, guardian of Jesus and chaste husband of Mary, you passed your life in loving fulfillment of duty. You supported the holy family of Nazareth with the work of your hands. Kindly protect those who trustingly come to you. You know their aspirations, their hardships, their hopes. They look to you because they know you will understand and protect them. You too knew trial, labor and weariness. But amid the worries of material life, your soul was full of deep peace and sang out in true joy through intimacy with God’s Son entrusted to you and with Mary, his tender Mother. Assure those you protect that they do not labor alone. Teach them to find Jesus near them and to watch over Him faithfully as you have done. Amen.

Pope Saint John Paul II

Pope Saint John Paul II's patronage: Archdiocese of Kraków; World Youth Day (Co-Patron); World Meeting of Families 2015 (Co-Patron); Young Catholics; Families; Polish-Ukrainian Reconciliation.

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Saint Quote of the Day: Pope Saint Pius V

Pope Saint Pius V -- by Scipione Pulzone

All the evils of the world are due to lukewarm Catholics.

Pope Saint Pius V

Pope Saint Pius V's patronage: Bosco Marengo, Italy; Valletta, Malta; Pietrelcina, Italy; Roccaforte Mondovi; Diocese of Alessandria in Piedmont, Italy.

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Saint Quote of the Day: Saint Catherine of Siena, Doctor of the Church

"Saint Catherine of Siena" -- by Baldassare Franceschini

We are of such value to God that He came to live among us... and to guide us home. He will go to any length to seek us, even to being lifted high upon the cross to draw us back to Himself. We can only respond by loving God for His love.

Saint Catherine of Siena

Saint Catherine of Siena's patronage: Against fire; against bodily ills; diocese of Allentown, Pennsylvania, USA; Europe; against illness; Italy; against miscarriages; people ridiculed for their piety; against sexual temptation; sick people; against sickness; nurses; nursing services; Siena, Italy; Varazze, Italy; firefighters; fire prevention; against temptations.

Friday, April 27, 2018

Saint Quote of the Day: Saint Ignatius of Loyola

Saint Ignatius of Loyola -- by Peter Paul Rubens

Let each one remember that he will make progress in all spiritual things only insofar as he rids himself of self-love, self-will, and self-interest.

Saint Ignatius of Loyola

Saint Ignatius of Loyola's patronage: Basque country; Jesuit Order; Jesuits; retreats; soldiers; Spiritual Exercises (by Pope Pius XI).

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Saint Quote of the Day: Saint Peter Canisius

Saint Peter Canisius

Better that only a few Catholics should be left, staunch and sincere in their religion, than that they should, remaining many, desire as it were, to be in collusion with the Church's enemies and in conformity with the open foes of our faith.

Saint Peter Canisius

Saint Peter Canisius' patronage: Catholic press; Germany; writers of Catechisms.