
Monday, September 11, 2006

Saint Quote: Saint John Gabriel Perboyre

O my Divine Savior,
Transform me into Yourself.
May my hands be the hands of Jesus.
Grant that every faculty of my body
May serve only to glorify You.

Above all,
Transform my soul and all its powers
So that my memory, will and affection
May be the memory, will and affections
Of Jesus.

I pray You
To destroy in me all that is not of You.
Grant that I may live but in You, by You and for You,
So that I may truly say, with Saint Paul,
"I live - now not I - But Christ lives in me.

--Saint John Gabriel Perboyre


  1. i rarely hear saint Quote .. may i know more about him ?

  2. I will do a post on him on May 16, 2010 on Saints of the Faith.

  3. Here is a link to the promised post about Saint John Gabriel Perboyre
