
Thursday, March 18, 2010

A Quick Note To Our Readers/Subscribers

Over the last 2 or 3 weeks, there have been aproximately a half dozen subscribers who ended their subscriptions to this blog.

The reason given in all cases, was that this blog has too many updates.

I had thought, or at least had hoped, that with a name like "Saint Quote of the Day", people would realize that a different saint quotation would be posted here each day. After all, this blog is not called Saint Quote of the Week, or Saint Quote of the Month, or Saint Quote of the Year.

There is a possibility, that the six or so who unsubscribed, had started their subscriptions during the time I was unable to post a quote here each day. Now, with me being back online, I am able to give this blog, and the Daily Mass Readings blog, the attention needed.

So, just so there are no misunderstandings among the subscribers here, there will continue to be, as long as God permits, daily postings of saint quotes here.

May the Good Lord bless you, and Our Lady keep you in her care,

Steve Smith

1 comment:

  1. I love all the updates! Thank you for the daily dose of saints' quotes!
