I just wanted to let everyone that follows these blogs know, that I may not be online for awhile. How long awhile, is hard to say.
My 7 year old computer bit the dust last night, and with my financial situation as it is, I am not sure how long it will be before I get another computer. More than likely, it will be several months.
My gracious land lady was kind enough to allow me to use her computer so that I could post this.
I appreciate all the readers and followers of all 24 of these blogs. I especially would like to thank those that have been kind enough to click my links to the various ads that appear here, and have made purchases of the Zazzle products I have and the Mystic Monk coffee. You have helped me far more than you'll ever know.
Please keep me in your prayers, as I will keep you in mine.
May God Bless you all and Our Lady keep you in her care!