
Monday, February 4, 2013

Saint Joseph of Leonessa

O most holy cross, transform us completely into yourself.  Let your base become our feet, your beams our arms, your summit our head.  And so that we may become the cross, nail our feet that they may be fixed in you;  bind our arms that they may not act apart form you; open our side, wound breast and touch our heart with love for you.  Grant that our eyes may see nothing but you; our ears hear nothing but you; our nostrils smell nothing but you.  O cross, rest in us now, as once Christ rested upon you; may we thirst for you, just as Christ, while hanging upon you, thirsted for us. May we commend ourselves to Him who hun upon you, just as he commended himself to the Eternal Father. O sweet cross, o loving cross, be our defence and our support.

-- Saint Joseph of Leonessa

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