of the whole world one man, Peter, is chosen to preside at the head
of all nations and to be set over all the apostles and all the
fathers of the church. Though there are in God's people many bishops
and many shepherds, Peter is thus appointed to rule in his own person
those whom Christ also rules as the original ruler. Beloved, how
great and wonderful is this sharing in his power that God in his
goodness has given to this man. Whatever Christ has willed to be
shared in common by Peter and the other leaders of the Church, it is
only through Peter that he has given to others what he has not
refused to bestow on them.
said: "Upon this rock I will build my Church, and the gates of
hell shall not prevail against it." On this strong foundation,
he says, I will build an everlasting temple. The great height of my
Church, which is to penetrate the heavens, shall rise on the firm
foundation of this faith.
Peter is therefore told: "To you I will give the keys of the
kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound also in
heaven. Whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed also in heaven."
Pope Saint Leo the Great from
a sermon