are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden.
Nor do men light a lamp only to put it under a bushel basket; they
put it on a stand where it gives light to all in the house. The Lord
called his disciples to salt of the earth because they seasoned with
heavenly wisdom the hearts of men, rendered insipid by the devil. Now
he calls them the fight of the world as well, because they have been
enlightened by him, the true and everlasting light, and have
themselves become a light in the darkness. Since he is the Sun of
Justice, he fittingly calls his disciples the light of the world. The
reason for this is that through them, as through shining rays, he has
poured out the light of the knowledge of himself upon the entire
Saint Chromatius of Aquileia from
a treatise on the Gospel of Saint Matthew