
Friday, December 29, 2017

Saint Quote of the Day: Pope Saint John Paul II

Pope Saint John Paul II on 12 August 1993 in Denver, Colorado - PD-1923

"Man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart" (1 Sm 16:7). And Mary’s heart was fully disposed to the fulfilment of the divine will. This is why the Blessed Virgin is the model of Christian expectation and hope. In her heart there is no shade of selfishiness: she desires nothing for herself except God's glory and human salvation. For her, the very privilege of being preserved from original sin is not a reason to boast, but one for total service to her Son’s redemptive mission.

Pope Saint John Paul II

Pope Saint John Paul II's patronage: Kraków, Poland; World Youth Day; young Catholics; Świdnica; families; World Meeting of Families 2015

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