
Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Saint Quote: Saint Ambrose of Milan, Church Father, and Doctor of the Church

Early mosaic of Saint Ambrose that might be an actual portrait.

When we speak about wisdom, we are speaking of Christ. When we speak about virtue, we are speaking of Christ. When we speak about justice, we are speaking of Christ. When we speak about peace, we are speaking of Christ. When we speak about truth and life and redemption, we are speaking of Christ.

Saint Ambrose of Milan

Saint Ambrose of Milan's patronage: Bee keepers; bees; bishops; candle makers; chandlers; domestic animals; French Commissariat; geese; honeycake bakers; learning; livestock; Milan, Italy; police officers; school children; security personnel; starlings; students; wax melters; wax refiners; Archdiocese of Milan; Alassio, Italy; Bologna, Italy; Lombardy, Italy; Archdiocese of Milan, Italy; Monte San Savino, Italy; Stresa, Italy; Vigevano, Italy.

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