
Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Saint Quote of the Day: Saint Catherine Labouré

Saint Catherine Labouré

When I go to the Chapel, I place myself before the good God and I say to Him: ‘Lord, here I am, give me what You will.’ If He gives me something, I am very pleased, and I thank Him. If He gives me nothing, I still thank Him because I do not deserve anything. And then again, I tell Him all that passes through my mind; I recount my pains and my joys and … I listen. If you listen to Him, He will speak to you also, because with the good God it is necessary to speak and to listen. He will always speak to you if you go to Him simply and sincerely.

Saint Catherine Labouré

Saint Catherine Labouré's patronage: Miraculous Medal; infirmed people; the elderly; pigeon fanciers; pigeons.

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